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Country House Plans, Building Blueprints & Designs

Build yourself a bit of Americana and look forward to years of comfortable, laid-back living with a country house plan.**

The familiar country home features that almost-mystical feeling that you've been there before. Picture the rambling farmhouse in hundreds of movies, or that tidy gabled cottage with the swing on the front porch. With a high comfort level and an appeal to American archetypal imagery, country homes feel lived-in and comfortable from move-in day forwards.

Country home designs deliver a relaxing, rural lifestyle - regardless of where you plan to build your home. Gorgeous country kitchens and cozy hearth rooms are typical features of a country floor plan. Spacious porches extend your living space, making country house plans seem larger than they are and creating a seamless transition between indoors and out. You can look forward to barbeques out back, lazy afternoons on a porch swing, and large family gatherings when you make one of our country house plans your own.

Architectural features:

  • Vernacular house form borrowing from Colonial and Victorian styles
  • Irregular massing and cross-gabled roof planes
  • Front or wraparound porch
  • Casual or semi-formal layout

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